I’m struggling to thread together several different posts. An idea popped into my head yesterday that I want to write about. That idea led to another, and the …
I Don’t Know
Sometimes I know things. Occasionally, I surprise people with my random knowledge of trivial things. Sometimes, even surprise myself. But most of the time, I don’t know — …
Coincidence Duality
When coincidences happen, we’re sure that they mean something. They’re simply too strange and surreal to be little more than chance. It’s a nice idea. But my analytical …
Justifying Time
I have an odd perception of time on occasion. This morning, for example. I was sitting down to do a quick 10-minute meditation and noticed the clock, it …
No Control
I mentioned yesterday about the negative energy that arises from time to time at work. I’d like to add to that, and to acknowledge why it’s so frustrating. …
Groundhog Day
Groundhog Day is a Christmas movie. I know this statement is contradictory, but hear me out. Aside from the setting, nothing about the movie has anything to do …