I heard a fantastic analogy the other day. Consider your mind as an operating system. When was the last time you had a software update? Our ecosystem is …
Defeating Defeat
I felt like I needed some fresh surroundings this morning. Rather than working from the home office, I decided to head to a nearby cafe. Before stepping out, …
This is something I often hear said at work. Certain people claim that what they perceive a situation to be is the reality of things. It’s absolute nonsense, …
Moral Dilemma
To shoot, or not to shoot? Photojournalists often find themselves in intense situations. Moreover, these moments occasionally lead to difficult decisions. A starving child in need of immediate …
Sugar Coated
Each year, a photographer is awarded the Pulitzer Prize for their efforts. I use the word effort loosely here because the winning photos are rarely set up, meaning …
Sitting Quietly
I like meditating in the morning because it’s often the time when my mind is wild and free, unimpeded by the experience of the world outside. The experience …