AI Evolution.

Updated June, 2023 to include versions 5.1 and 5.2.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that AI is here. With the recent release of ChatGPT-4 even the blandest of media outlets are talking about it.

AI is going to change everything. It’s already integrated into nearly every technology we use, and soon it will be everywhere.

It will decimate swaths of jobs from all markets and eradicate entire industries. Even those jobs once considered ‘safe’ from automation — artists, lawyers, doctors — will be affected.

Propagandists of all flavours have a new tool at their disposal that will trick even the keenest of skeptics.

Fear mongering aside, I’m an optimist. Often immersed in the tech world I see that the positives outweigh the negatives. But these next few years will be interesting.

For those not following as closely as the geeks like me, I wanted to share how quickly things are progressing.

MidJourney version five went beta a few days ago and the leap stunned me. To show how much it’s evolved since its beginning last year, I gave the same input to every version.

“Brunette woman standing in front of the Eiffel Tower”

These are the results.

AI-generated image of a woman standing in front of the Eiffle Tower AI-generated image of a woman standing in front of the Eiffle Tower AI-generated image of a woman standing in front of the Eiffle Tower AI-generated image of a woman standing in front of the Eiffle Tower AI-generated image of a woman standing in front of the Eiffle Tower AI-generated image of a woman standing in front of the Eiffle Tower AI-generated image of a woman standing in front of the Eiffle Tower

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  1. Pingback: Pax Machina or: What is Artificial Intelligence and Where is it Taking Us | Mark Stewart

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