Pax Machina: Addendum

While researching for the main article, I was particularly interested in the job loss issue. As a web developer, writer and photographer, I am especially affected.

Rather than fear, however, I am excited. I find new tools every day that increase my productivity and workflow. I’m adapting.

That said, I am curious by nature. And I decided to ask ChatGPT about some of the new jobs that might emerge as a result of artificial intelligence.

This was it’s response. As you’ll see, as long as people are willing to keep learning, unemployment won’t be a problem.

Sure, as AI becomes increasingly integrated into different sectors, it’s likely to create several new jobs. Here are 25 possible future roles:

  1. AI Specialist: A professional who builds, tests, and applies AI models.
  2. AI Ethicist: An expert who ensures AI technologies are developed and used responsibly.
  3. AI Trainer: A specialist who trains AI systems using a range of techniques.
  4. Data Analyst: Analysts who interpret complex digital data derived from AI processes.
  5. AI Systems Manager: Manages the implementation and maintenance of AI systems.
  6. Machine Learning Engineer: A professional who builds and implements machine learning models.
  7. AI Policy Lawyer: Legal professionals who navigate the legislative and regulatory landscape of AI.
  8. AI Risk Assessor: Evaluates the potential risks and vulnerabilities in AI systems.
  9. AI Interaction Designer: Designs the interaction between humans and AI.
  10. AI Algorithm Developer: Creates algorithms that help AI systems to learn and evolve.
  11. AI Data Detective: Investigates and interprets data trends from AI processes.
  12. AI Sales Representative: Helps organizations understand and purchase AI technologies.
  13. AI Hardware Engineer: Develops hardware that can support AI systems.
  14. AI Application Tester: Ensures AI applications function correctly in all scenarios.
  15. Robotic Process Automation Developer: Automates business processes with AI.
  16. AI Data Privacy Officer: Ensures compliance with data privacy laws in AI operations.
  17. AI Bias Auditor: Checks AI systems for unintended biases in decision-making.
  18. AI Security Engineer: Ensures AI systems are secure against cyber threats.
  19. AI Product Manager: Oversees the lifecycle of AI-based products.
  20. AI Health Care Consultant: Works with AI technologies in the healthcare industry.
  21. AI Operations Analyst: Evaluates and improves the operational process of AI systems.
  22. AI Quality Assurance Specialist: Checks and ensures the quality of AI algorithms and systems.
  23. Personal AI Avatar Trainer: Trains personal AI avatars to better mimic human behaviors.
  24. AI Chatbot Writer: Writes convincing scripts for AI chatbots to better engage with users.
  25. AI Emotional Intelligence Expert: Designs AI systems that can understand and respond to human emotions.

Comments 1

  1. Pingback: Pax Machina or: What is Artificial Intelligence and Where is it Taking Us | Mark Stewart

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