What To Do with Limited Time

What do you do when you have a habit to work on but have only a limited window of time?

The default for most is to skip it. Many follow the idea that it’s ok to skip a day while building a new habit — just never two in a row.

This works. It allows some wiggle room for life to happen, as it does.

But it can also become a crutch.

I’ve fallen victim myself.

I’ll skip a day and be sure to get my habit in the following one. Then I’ll skip another.

Soon, I’m only working on said habit half the time.

Sure, progress is progress. But when slowing down is a product of laziness rather than necessity, it’s an error in discipline.

Instead, when you find yourself without the time to fully commit to say, going to the gym, writing a blog post, or sitting down to meditate — do something.

Instead of going to the gym, do a few pushups. Rather than writing an article, write down a few thoughts currently on your mind.

Don’t have the time to meditate for 20 minutes? Do it for 5.

Continuing the practice even when you can’t fully commit is always better than skipping.

And more often than not, you can find a way to get a few reps in regardless of how limited your time is.

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