
30 years ago my life changed in ways I still can’t fully comprehend.

One of the most significant events of my life occurred in the tragic passing of life.

Aside from my birth, and my mother’s decision to place me for adoption, few known moments affected my life’s trajectory as much as this one.

This comes into my consciousness on occasion, at random. However, through the years the focus has been less on the pain of loss and more on the long-term effects.

Had this tragedy not happened, what decisions would I have made? What path would I have followed?

Given the belief structure I held in my early years, I’d be an entirely different person right now had things been different.

Would I settle for a life in contrast to the one I currently live? Would I travel? Would I live the experiences I have — as bizarre and wild as they’ve been?

If this single, tragic, moment not happened, I’d likely be an entirely different person than I am today.

Then again, perhaps fate would play its cosmic role and I’d be exactly where I am right now, contemplating the effects of some other life-altering event.

But I suppose none of that matters.

This is it.

Here I am.

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