Subtle Details

I’ve talked several times about the joy I get noticing clever little details in movies. And last night another caught my eye — or, in this case, my ear.

While re-watching the first Avengers movie, I caught a subtle detail during the movie’s crescendo. There’s a battle scene where Natasha mentions to Hawkeye that “This is just like Budapest all over again.” And Hawkeye responds with “You and I remember Budapest very differently.”

Now, I don’t know who is responsible for the physical dialogue here, but the detail is impressive on levels.

Hawkeye — the American — pronounces Budapest as most people in the West would, using a hard S sound. Natasha, however, says Budapesht — which is the correct pronunciation.

This is such a great detail because first off, you need to catch the subtle difference in pronunciation. On top of that, you need to know how Budapest is actually pronounced. The icing on the cake is knowing the background of her character. Although she lacks an accent in the film, her character is originally from the Soviet Union, which bordered Hungary — whose capital city is Budapest.

They pronounce it differently because of where they grew up.

I love that someone decided to drop such a minute detail in a blockbuster movie that might only be noticed by a handful of geeks like myself.

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