Stupid Titles and Forgetfulness

Since starting the daily blog practice, I’ve tossed out dozens of blank drafts. Some of them might have been good.

The biggest problem with posting daily is the fear that I might run out of topics. Thankfully, after four months, it hasn’t happened. Still, I have an ever-growing list of thoughts, tips, rants and opinions to write about.

Typically, when something pops into my head, I’ll write down the idea along with a brief description of the topic. When I eventually get to it, I have a foundation to work from.

Other times, usually while I’m writing something else, I’ll just open another document window and write a title. I’ll then forget about it for a few days until I find five or six blank, titled documents floating in the background of my desktop.

Every so often, the title triggers a memory of the thought that spurred it. Most of the time, however, the words on the top of the page are nothing more than obscure nonsense. And while I’ll leave it open for another day or two in a vain hope for clarity, the idea is inevitably returned to the muse from which it came — hopefully to return in another form.

I often encourage people to write things down, as our memories are never as sharp as we like to think.

But a little detail goes a long way.

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