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Schadenfreude is a German word that describes the feeling of pleasure one receives from the misfortune of others. And although in concept it seems coldhearted, we’re all guilty of it on occasion.

The way I interpret it is less sociopathic and more akin to an opposite version of envy — a feeling of “Shit, that’s rough. But I’m glad it’s you and not me.”

I have several wonderful friends in both New Zealand and Australia. And a few months back I envied their social sharings of the changing seasons, just as dead leaves fell to the dirty autumn ground around me.

But as the earth does its cosmic dance around the sun, the tables have turned tilted.

While we’re coming out of a bit of a cold snap where I live, I’m beginning to see posts from down under of people complaining about changing weather — a cooling of mornings, and the approaching end of patio season.

I pause and take note of the sudden melting of snow around me. I see the warm sun breaking through the clouds and turning the ground into the beautifully disgusting brown slop that precedes the glory of summer.

The inevitable misfortune that my friends are currently experiencing means that my winter misery is coming to an end.

And although I know things will turn again in half a year’s time, in this moment I will embrace the schadenfreude.

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