Sleep it Off

Last night I slept hard for over six hours. This is uncommon lately. At least for the last couple of weeks, I’ve woken up multiple times every couple of hours. Most of the time it’s been strange and vivid dreams, other times it’s just restlessness caused by the inability to fall into a deep sleep.

I woke an hour before my alarm but decided to get out of bed anyway. I felt good.

Yesterday was exhausting. Not physically, but mentally. However, I suppose that in that state, they’re the same.

There was no anxiety keeping me awake last night.

Today, my mood had flipped. The same issues sat in the back of my mind but my emotional state regarding them had changed.

Although I didn’t sleep a full night, I slept deeply — far deeper than I have in the previous two weeks.

Tonight, as I write this, I am again tired. But this time it’s the kind I should be at the end of a day.

I wonder if yesterday’s mental misery was the culmination of the previous week’s sleep interruptions. Perhaps I just slept it off.

After all, the human body has a way of resetting itself.

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