
Leaves are falling. Those that haven’t light the trees in a blaze of orange, red and yellow hues. Autumn is arguably the most beautiful time of year. The scorching heat of the summer is tempered by the changing weather. Kids are back in school which seems to bring a relative calm and relief to their parents — a vibe contagious to all.

But this is only a precursor for the season that follows.

Therein lies the rub.

Some people enjoy the winter. They prefer blistering cold to sweltering heat. Some argue that it’s easier to layer up to stay warm in the winter than to cool themselves down in the summer.

While I can’t argue that logic, I am not one of those people.

Although the snow-blanketed landscapes are a thing of beauty, I despise the cold. I don’t ski, snowboard, or play hockey. I spend the majority of the winter hiding indoors, embracing the Danish art of hygge for months on end.

I’ll wait patiently for the inevitable thaw of spring. The yin to autumn’s yang. The ugliest of the seasons — at least at the beginning — with its muddy earth, grit-covered streets and smell of rotten vegetation in the air.

It’s also the gateway to summer, the time to play outside, explore the mountains, swim in the sea and enjoy drinks in the park with friends. To make the most of one’s time enjoying the heat while it lasts before the cycle continues again.

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