
I listened to a podcast recently where co-host Steph Smith talked about her progress with running. She’s been running for over a year and has hated it for most of this time.

However, at some recent moment in time, something shifted. Her experience while running went from pain to pleasure. And while she didn’t say exactly when this happened, she emphasized that getting to this point took a very long time.

But the shift is clear as she’s currently training for a half-marathon.

The timing of this episode struck me. I’ve been running with some regularity for the better part of two years now. I’ve also maintained my dislike for the activity. My stance has been clear that I run for the benefits of the act rather than the act itself.

Given my current ankle ailment and the frigid weather, I’ve realized that I miss it — I miss the physical act of running.

Hearing someone else’s view of how long it took them to enjoy the process solidified this feeling I’ve had lately.

The fact that I’ve recently committed to running a half-marathon with some work friends made this realization hit that much harder.

The hate seems to have gone away.

I suppose I’m a runner now.

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