Slow Down

Almost everyone feels the pressure to perform. A false urgency to always push forward, to show results daily. You do this at your job and on your personal projects. Your boss expects it, you tell yourself. If you don’t keep pushing forward, you’ll fall behind and someone else will pass you. They will get the promotion, they’ll get whatever it is you’re after and leave you with nothing.

Pushing is a good thing, staying motivated and working hard are necessary to succeed. But knowing when to slow down and take a break is just as important.

Burnout happens to the best of us. And when happens to you, you will fall behind. Pushing through exhaustion feels like a selfless act. But your work, your project, and your team will all suffer from your lack of selfishness.

Learn to see exhaustion before it comes. Slow down, and take some time for yourself. Leave work early, call in sick, sleep in. Do whatever you need to do to rest your body and mind.

You’ll be far better off in the long run.

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