
Rest is important, though often overlooked.

In the modern world where hustling and the grind are deemed badges of honour, rest takes a backseat. But without it, everything else falls apart.

I am guilty of this habit as much as any. Outside of my many small projects and constant learning, I have a full-time day job.

Finding time for everything else means waking up at 3:30 and going hard until after 9. Some nights it’s much later. Some nights my mind won’t slow down enough to let me fall asleep.

This isn’t sustainable long-term. It certainly isn’t healthy. But neither is staying in a job without purpose, a career without love or enjoyment.

It’s ironic that most of my projects fall under the blanket of a website with “Day Off” in the name.

Having said all that, I still rest. As I mentioned a while back, being busy can be ok, but never be too busy. I’ve learned how to stop when I need to. To recognize when burnout is on the horizon and give myself time to recharge.

No project is more important than your physical or mental health.

Rest is good. Take a day off, sleep in, and go to bed early. Get back to the grind when you’re ready.

Colourful hand making a peace sign.

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