
We’re told to embrace our flaws. That it’s the imperfections that make us stand out and give us our individualism. They’re what make us who we are.

And this is true. From the shape and size of our bodies and facial features to the way we speak and behave, these subtle differences set us apart from one another.

But they aren’t flaws.

For imperfections to exist, there must first be perfection. And there is no such thing as a perfect human being.

Not physically, not mentally.

We’re bombarded continually with images and ideas of what perfection looks like. But it’s complete and utter bullshit.

There is no metric for determining the perfect human. And what is considered perfect varies significantly from culture to culture. A heavyset body may be considered unattractive to one culture and be the ideal form to another. The same can be said for the colour or length of your hair, your height, and the size and shape of your eyes.

And this isn’t limited to physical appearance.

The idea of a perfect mental state is entirely abstract and even more subjective than physical appearance. This is mostly due to the fact that we can hide much of what is inside of us. It’s impossible to know exactly what another person is going through.

In the same way that the media puts forth an unrealistic image of the perfect figure, we all project our best versions of ourselves — regardless of what is happening internally.

It’s why I have an issue with the way the term “mental illness” is thrown around for common issues like depression. It suggests that there is some ideal mental state that the rest of us live in on a daily basis. A state where our critical internal monologues fade into a state of blissful calm.

Perfection is an illusion. Of the billions of people alive today, there is not a single example of the ideal body or ideal mind. And even if they come close in the eyes of a few, they certainly don’t exist together.

Everyone has insecurities. We all foolishly waste energy and time obsessing over flaws that are nothing more than the features that make us who we are.

If we are flawed, we are flawed in the most perfect way imaginable.

Colourful hand making a peace sign.

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