
Every once in a while I slip. I get sidetracked, distracted, and pulled away from my countless projects and tasks. Often it’s for perfectly good reasons, things come up, and sometimes I just need a few days to rest and avoid burn-out.

The problem is when I return to the work. The task lists are daunting. Somehow while I was away from the work, I managed to add more to the pile. This is where things often go bad.

I panic at what’s ahead of me. I only have so many free hours in a day, how can I possibly get all of this done. Anxiety and regret swoop in, then shame for taking a break. After all, that break is what caused this mess, isn’t it?

I’ll waste another day wallowing in this state, once again avoiding the work.

Finally, I snap out of it. I pick a task, something small, and I complete it. Then another, and another.


And while the list often grows at the same pace that I attack it, the practice is happening.

The work gets done.

Colourful hand making a peace sign.

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