I tend to overthink a lot of decisions. This daily blog has become a tool to help me work on that.
I try not to re-read my posts too often. Aside from a simple proofread and edit, I tend to leave them alone once posted.
Long-form posts are a different story. Once a piece on a specific topic crests the 1000-word mark, it’s usually because I have a lot to say on the topic — and that I find it worthy of clarity. These articles get a little more attention. I’ll scrutinize them, often spending more time editing than actually writing. It’s why my longer-form posts tend to be a little more polished.
But most of my daily blogs are second drafts at best.
Part of this practice is to get passed my overthinking, to learn to ship when it’s done — not perfected.
The result is sometimes a bit mangled and chaotic, sometimes even contradictory to other things I’ve written.
And I’m ok with that.
My daily posts are rarely planned. I tend not to over-analyze them. When I’m done, I hit publish, and they’re live. Their occasional manic nature is, in some form, authenticity.
I started this practice with no goal aside from the practice itself.
Sometimes it may get sloppy, even messy.
But that’s practice.