Now Page

(This is a now page, inspired by the fantastic Derek Sivers.)

Updated August 9, 2024 just after 7 AM. It's a beautiful morning with a clear and sunny sky.


I'm listening to the audiobook An Immense World by Ed Yong, and reading the physical version of Daniel Kahneman's Thinking, Fast and Slow.


Running has (thankfully) taken a backseat. I love how it makes me feel but I've never been able to love the act.

During the summer, it's all about biking -- the only sport I'm truly passionate about. Every free weekend I'll be in the mountains.

I've also started toying with intermittent fasting, mostly out of curiosity. I'm only a week in so far so I don't have much to say for results aside from the fact that it's much easier than I imagined.


My wife and I spent a weekend in Toronto a few weeks back. And I recently returned from a bike trip out in British Columbia. We're heading to the mountains a few more times this summer and spending an extended weekend in San Francisco at the end of September.


Keeping steady with the daily blog posts, it's a practice that's been surprisingly good for my mind.

I recently finished working on a few client projects, as well as an overhaul to my business website which will be live soon.

One other project is on the horizon that is too young to talk about just yet.


I'm not learning anything too specific right now. For the most part, I'm focusing on honing skills and abilities that I already have rather than diluting them with new and unrelated information.

On My Mind

A little of everything. The war in Israel-Palestine, the chaos in the stock markets, and the wildfires that have recently devastated my local region. But also the beautiful summer weather, the anticipation of upcoming trips, and the success of several new local restaurants.

Updated January 12, 2024 at around 4:30 in the afternoon. It's a balmy -32 degrees outside.


I'm currently listening to the audiobook version of Malcolm Gladwell's 'Talking to Strangers.' In print, I'm reading 'Waking Up' by Sam Harris.

Exercise and Health

The cold pains me. I don't do winter sports. I used to ski and snowboard on occasion but have never committed. I'd rather focus on mountain biking during the summer and use my free time in the winter towards other endeavours.

As far as exercise goes, I'm still running almost daily. When the temperature drops below -15 I stay indoors and get my cardio from the stationary bike. That, combined with a weight machine in the building, keeps me going well enough and protected from the elements.


Nothing major so far, though bigger plans are in the works. In the short term, we're headed to California for a weekend at the end of January and to Belize in April.


The AI projects from the last update ended up taking a back seat. The landscape is evolving too quickly to keep up. I'm focusing now on web design. More specifically, getting specific (cryptic, yes. But I'll explain soon).

Also, attempting a daily writing habit. I've tried in the past and it's much harder than it sounds. So far, so good.


Still dabbling with JavaScript. However, my current focus is fine-tuning my CSS skills. And I'm loving it.

On My Mind

Housing costs. More importantly, which cities will experience an unexpected boom in the next 3-5 years due to relocation. I feel that a lot of low-key spots across North America will soon see a demographic explosion.

Updated July 5, 2023 in Edmonton. It's around noon on a beautiful, warm, sunny day.


I'm currently reading a physical copy of Snowcrash, by Neal Stephenson, and listening to the audio version of Deep Work, by Cal Newport.

Exercise and Health

I've been running a lot more lately, averaging 3 km each morning. I've never been much of a runner, and I don't enjoy it. But I like how I feel afterwards. I'm also on the bike as often as possible and making as many trips to ride the mountains as I can.


I'm currently planning for a backcountry camping trip at the end of the month and a jaunt to Albania a month later.


Current projects include an overhaul to this website, a handful of small articles and one long-form piece, as well as a couple of AI projects that I'm not ready to speak publicly on just yet.


Diving deeper into Javascript lately, not only for building better websites but also for getting into the app world.

On My Mind

As a writer and a heavy user of ChatGPT, I've been thinking a lot about how personal experience will affect how creative work resonates when compared to that produced by AI.