Not Perfect

Done is better than perfect.

I’ve never really considered myself a perfectionist. Unfortunately for my personal beliefs, many people close to me would disagree.

And they’re a lot smarter than I am.

One of the greatest benefits of this daily blogging practice is getting over the obsession with detail. I’ve learned to accept that shipping decent work is better than shipping nothing at all. That worrying about the nuanced details to get everything just right isn’t the most important thing.

This is also the hardest part about the daily practice.

I can easily write 100 words about nonsense and hit publish — regardless of my exhaustion level or mental state.

But that’s one of my biggest hang-ups. That’s why this is hard. Because sometimes that’s all I have to give. And if I’m going to make the deadline, perfection is rarely an option.

Thankfully, I’m not ego-driven enough to think that anything I’ve done could be considered “perfection.” It’s probably why I’ve never considered myself a perfectionist.

Still, this practice does a nice job of taming whatever has driven what is ultimately an excuse for procrastination.

Because if perfection isn’t an option, done always is.

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