I always try to keep a handful of drafts ready to go for those inevitable days when I am unable to write something.
Whether it be illness, travel, or some other event, sometimes I can’t get to writing.
On days when I am feeling extra creative or happen to get into writing flow, I’ll write two or three posts in a sitting. These are the ones I sit on and keep for those emergency situations.
However, having these backup articles can be a crutch. And discipline is required to avoid using them when unneccessary.
Tonight, for example, I am exhausted. I sat down to write and stared at that goddamned blinking cursor for 20 minutes trying to think of something to type.
In Case of Emergency Break Glass
I know that I have a handful of drafts waiting to go. But I also know that that would be a cop-out. This is not an emergency. Being tired is not an excuse for not writing.
So I wrote about exactly this.
Sometimes the tank is empty and all I can do is write about the moment. It’s better than falling back on a safety net that is meant for real reasons.
I’m not sick. I’m not travelling.
I have no excuse for not writing.
I can. So I will.