No Control

I mentioned yesterday about the negative energy that arises from time to time at work. I’d like to add to that, and to acknowledge why it’s so frustrating.

The thing is, much of their stress and worry revolve around politics — whether it’s tariffs, taxes, inflation, interest rates, or any number of countless issues.

So many people get completely wound up over these topics. And while they certainly affect us all, there’s absolutely nothing we can do about them in the short term. We have no direct impact on any of these issues, at least not in any way that can make a quick difference.

Why then, do so many people waste so much mental energy on such topics? Don’t get me wrong, I’m as guilty as the next person.

The difference is that I consciously try to avoid vocalizing my worries. Because the only thing that does is spread negative energy onto others.

It’s not that we shouldn’t talk about such issues — but there’s a difference between casual discussion and the complaining that people default to.

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