To say that with a new year comes all new opportunities is beyond cliche. Though cliched as it may be, it’s proven year after year by millions of people.
Even during 2020, one of the worst overall years in recent history, people flourished. I mean, not myself. I let 2020 beat me down. But many millions more made significant strides forward.
Clever people seized opportunities and created new projects. Entire industries were born from that time. And the same thing happens every year. And with each year even more opportunities arise.
With growing technologies such as AI and blockchains, new career paths are opening almost daily. And with the emerging (albeit still ambiguous) web3, a whole new wave of jobs are on the horizon.
We live in a time where nearly anyone with internet access can learn almost anything. Websites like Udemy and Skillshare allow us to advance existing abilities or learn an entirely different skillset. More and more employers are learning that skills and abilities are more important than a piece of paper from a fancy school.
For makers and creatives, the world is opening up faster than one can follow. Access to markets and the ability to reach your customers is staggering. Etsy, Shopify and WooCommerce make selling products online ridiculously simple. For artists and content creators, platforms like Substack, Patreon and OpenSea make earning directly from your audience (as opposed to advertisements) so much easier.
We live in a time where fresh starts and new beginnings are not only acceptable but are often encouraged. And the challenges of making significant changes are fading each day.
Maybe 2021 wasn’t your year. It wasn’t for a lot of people. But you can start over. Even if the first few days of ’22 have been in the dumps, you can always begin again.
Get out and make your year.