
The idea of mastery both intrigues and bores me.

Sure, becoming the master of any skill is absolutely impressive. And I tip my hat to those who have committed their lives to learning a specific skill.

Yet at the same time, I couldn’t imagine the boredom that comes with mastery. Whether you follow the 10,000 hours concept made famous in Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers or some other method of practice, true mastery requires a long-term commitment.

My problem is curiosity. I can’t fathom giving up other options for the pursuit of mastery in another.

There’s nothing I’ve done in my life that I look back on and wish that I’d mastered it.

But there are many that I’ve explored in-depth — things that collectively have enriched my life.

I would rather be pretty good at a dozen unique skills than a master of one.

Then again, that’s just me.

What would the world be without the great masters?

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