I have an odd perception of time on occasion.
This morning, for example. I was sitting down to do a quick 10-minute meditation and noticed the clock, it was 4:26. I thought, “Oh wow, it’s almost 4:30, I better get moving.”
At the end of said meditation, it was 4:36 — “It’s barely 4:30,” I thought.
Through some strange rounding, I essentially convinced myself that the previous ten minutes didn’t exist. My view of time went from running out to a sudden surplus, even though neither was true.
My mind is starting to widen and look for examples of this on a longer timeline, and I am noticing the ways that I do this on a larger scale.
I can already feel myself using this odd perspective to justify staying up later than I should…
But not tonight. I am much too tired to pull on this thread right now.