Imposter Syndrome

It’s normal. That feeling when you’re doing something new, something different. You feel inadequate, unqualified, that you have no place doing the thing or being there in the first place.

Regardless of how confident you are with your skills, you compare yourselves to those around you. Those who have been around a little longer than you.

You question your abilities, and your inner critic takes over and crushes any confidence you had going in.

You’re a faker. You should quit, and walk away before you’re found out by the masses.

Everyone I’ve ever talked to about this has said the same thing. They’ve all been there.

Of course, you’ll see people online saying it isn’t true. That it’s a weakness, an excuse for quitting. And I’m sure some lucky people haven’t dealt with it. But most are just flexing, emoting confidence to back their image.

Feeling like a fraud doesn’t make you one. Everyone starts from the beginning. Nobody is born an expert in any field.

Whether you’re taking on a new position at your day job, or starting a side hustle, there will be moments when you’re overcome by inadequacy.

Just remember that everyone feels this on some level. The key is to keep going.

Because that’s what separates the successful from the rest — they didn’t quit.

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