
Gratitude is a powerful tool.

A daily practice of acknowledgement for the things we’re grateful for has a massive impact on your overall well-being. Mental health experts in the field have been preaching this for decades.

But it’s not always easy. Sure, there are things we’re always grateful for, constants like family and friends. Still, depending on your current mood or what’s happening in your life at the time, it can be hard to find new things to feel gratitude towards.

I’m as guilty of this as the next person.

So recently, when I’m feeling down and am having trouble conjuring up something powerful, I just think of the day and ask a simple question.

What went well?

It could be the simplest thing such as hitting every green light on my way to work, or someone bringing me a coffee.

Gratitude doesn’t have to be about the big stuff. Being grateful for the little things can be just as powerful.

Gratitude is gratitude.

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