Front Lawns.

One of the most ridiculous concepts in human history is the front lawn.

There are few things more useless than a patch of open grass in front of a house.

The only time it’s ever used is when it’s being cared for. Mowing, weeding, aerating, watering… Is there any activity done in the front yard that doesn’t involve work?

Back yards, sure. They make sense. We play, eat and relax in the back yard. But the front?

The idea goes back to the great European palaces, where monarchs constantly one-upped each other with the size of their gardens. And what’s funny is that it’s still the idea today. Though instead of sprawling gardens with ponds and trees and manicured landscapes, today it’s a patch of grass. Maybe a rock or some flowers, and a solitary tree surrounded by wood chips.

But the concept hasn’t changed. People spend incredible amounts of time and money on making their front lawns look immaculate for the sheer purpose of looking better than their neighbours.

Even putting them to practical use is often forbidden. Many have tried to plant gardens in their front yard only to be fined by the city for violating zoning rules.

Why the tradition of front lawns continues in modern times is beyond my comprehension. They’re an utter waste of space and the only time we use them is on upkeep.

It’s time to end front lawns.

Colourful hand making a peace sign.

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