
Literally every moment is a fork in the path of your life.

We often stress over the major choices in our lives — the ones where we can picture the outcomes of our decisions.

But every single choice you make puts you on a new path.

Pausing to hold the door for someone may delay you long enough to get stuck at a red light later that day. Maybe you get rear-ended while sitting in that intersection, or you avoid a crash that would have happened up the road had you made the green.

There are infinite other examples like this.

Yet for some reason, we don’t consider the outcome of these minute decisions. It could be an evolutionary trait. Considering the outcome of every choice would drive us mad. Our species would have died off.

So remember this the next time you’re stressing over a major decision. Realize that you make hundreds of decisions a day without overthinking.

I’m not suggesting throwing caution to the wind. Don’t go out and impulsively purchase a Porsche.

But take some solace in knowing that you’ve made it this far without overthinking most of your choices. Give yourself a break when you find yourself sweating over the next one.

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