The Flip Side

Christmas gives me a roller coaster of emotions.

I love the vibes of the season. I enjoy the generosity and the way that people tend to be just a little more kind, a little more positive.

I don’t really associate any story with the season. The happiness I feel isn’t about the folklore of Santa or anything religious. Although these both played a part in the Christmas of my youth, now it’s just the feeling of nostalgia from that time.

It’s a nice time of year.

For most.

This is where the roller coaster dips.

There are so many people out there who don’t get to experience these feelings. People without families, without a close group of friends, spend this season alone. Yet everywhere they look, they see people vibing on this holiday spirit.

I am so incredibly grateful to be one of the fortunate ones. But I can’t help but notice those who aren’t as lucky. Maybe it’s a downtown thing, maybe it’s something else.

And in a time where everyone seems to be happy — where everyone is expected to be happy — the pain felt by the rest weighs so much more.

This post isn’t meant to dampen the season. I hope has everyone has the best holiday possible. But I can’t wear blinders to the reality that what is supposed to be the happiest time of year has a flip side.

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