I’ve touched on this subject before. I’ve acknowledged the importance of writing something down, or diving into inspiration the moment it strikes.
Still, regardless of how committed I am, that flash of a spark sometimes disappears faster than I can react.
A few minutes ago, while riding the elevator up to my apartment, an interesting idea arrived in my mind from nowhere. And I felt that I needed to write about it, that it had value that I should share with the world.
It didn’t occur to me to write it down because I would be in my office within a minute. This idea had such potency that I believed there was no way I could lose it.
But in that blink of time, the thought dissolved like a dream upon waking.
As one who often feels that my writing is forced, the moments when the muse compels me are a blessing — and when her flashes fade before I can act, I can’t help but feel as though I’ve let her down.