Everyone is Fucked

Mark Manson is best known for his 2016 book The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck. It’s a great read and I highly recommend it.

This afternoon I was listening to an episode of his podcast of the same name, in which he was covering the idea in general. He mentioned how he feels when criticized and how a single comment can affect him for months.

This is so powerful.

The guy who is the epitome of not giving a fuck still gives a fuck. And it’s because we’re biologically wired for it. It’s an evolutionary trait that has stayed with us since our days as tribal primates.

This can be said for any number of successful people, experts in their fields, and those who have reached something resembling mastery. No matter how good they are, no matter how much they understand their skill, they’re always going to struggle.

Everyone does.

So keep that in mind the next time you find yourself comparing yourself to the “successful” people. Although overcoming the problem may come quicker with time, challenges are always present — and the struggle is always the same.

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