Coincidence Duality

When coincidences happen, we’re sure that they mean something. They’re simply too strange and surreal to be little more than chance.

It’s a nice idea. But my analytical brain understands that that’s all that they are. We’ve evolved to notice patterns and make connections between them. And sometimes when these events are random enough, we call them something bigger.

Still, I’m not entirely sold on the analytical. Some things are a little too random. Sometimes the intuitive part of me understands that there is something happening that I can’t make sense of with logic or reason.

True, most coincidences are easily explained. But most isn’t all.

The universe is big and strange — and we don’t even know what our own consciousness is. Yet we so confidently label all moments of coincidence as little more than random chance.

How arrogant we are that we pretend to understand such things.

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