
The idea of choice has been at the forefront of conversation in recent years. With the pandemic came strong pushbacks to many of the restrictions placed on us. Vaccine mandates being the most contested issue, resulting in mass protests around the world. And while the rejection came from all sides of the political spectrum, the strongest resistance came from the right.

My Body, My Choice!” echoed at their gatherings. And whether you agree with the cause or not, their point is legitimate. The government forcing something upon your body, against your will, is not ok.

What a concept. If only it applied to everyone.

Now before going any further I want to be very clear: As a guy, my thoughts on the abortion debate don’t mean a goddamn thing. This issue doesn’t affect me, not directly at least. I will never become pregnant. And I will never know what it’s like to face the choice that comes with it.

I also acknowledge that I’m generalizing with my use of the left and right. I realize that the issue is not equally split on the political spectrum. But to keep things simple, it’s how I’m framing it here.

That said, this issue needs discussion. And I have thoughts. I don’t typically enjoy writing on such politically heavy topics but this one one is important.

I don’t think anyone is surprised at the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Not when considering the state of the US Supreme Court. Blind justice is a farce. Whenever a Supreme Court judge is labelled a swing vote, it’s clear the system is broken.

But that’s another discussion. Roe v. Wade has been overturned, and the constitutionally-protected right to abortion has ended after nearly 50 years in the United States. Overnight, abortion became illegal in over a quarter of the country.

In a country that holds freedom and liberty above all else, millions of women will no longer have a choice regarding their own bodies.

This is huge. Let’s put aside the fact that what someone does with their body is nobody’s business but their own. This goes beyond the argument against someone choosing to end a pregnancy for any reason at all. Some laws are so strict that even in instances of rape or incest, women will be forced to keep the baby.

Let that sink in.

If a woman is raped by a family member, she will be forced to keep the child.

It doesn’t matter if the woman’s health is at risk, or if she can even afford to take care of herself — let alone raise another human. Women in states across America will be forced to keep their babies, regardless of circumstances.

This situation would be questionable in countries with strong, publicly-funded health care systems. In a country without, it’s unconscionable.

They call it murder. Anti-abortionists point to the bible as support for their beliefs. As we all know, “thou shalt not kill” is one of the great Ten Commandments handed down by God himself. By that reasoning, ending human life in any form should be wrong. Apparently, they’ve forgotten about the rest of the Old Testament…

But we’ll never completely agree on this issue. One side views abortion as murder, the other does not. The problem is that the core of the argument is entirely subjective: What is life?

The anti-abortion argument is that life begins at conception. That a tiny cluster of cells, the size of a pinhead, without a nervous system or heartbeat, is a human life. Technically speaking, they aren’t wrong. It is ‘life,’ albeit far less complex than that of a gnat. Though this argument is grasping, it’s hard to refute. They’ll point to the fact that even science defines life beginning at conception — the same science that says vaccines work and that climate change is real.

Describing early pregnancy as ‘life’ is a bit of a stretch. It’s little more than a grouping of cells, genetically similar to the mother but unique to itself. As this mass of cells grows, it nourishes itself from the body of its host. It is, in ways, like cancer.

Wait, did he just compare babies to cancer!?

No, I compared an undeveloped fetus to cancer.

But cancer kills the host, a developing baby doesn’t!

Are you sure about that?

Personally, regarding the development of a new human, I view ‘life’ from a different perspective. And I’m sure many in the pro-choice camp feel the same. While the fetus may be considered life, until it is born, it remains part of the mother. Until it can live and breathe on its own, without the assistance of an incubator or other modern technology, it is physically dependant on its mother for survival. As long as it is physically connected to the mother’s body — to keep it alive — it is part of the woman.

Those against freedom of choice claim that it’s about protecting life. It isn’t. Of course many believe that it is, from their perspective at least. But if protecting life was what truly matters, what about the lives of countless women? Lives that will be forever changed, often for the worse, by being forced against their will into motherhood — assuming they survive any complications.

If protecting life mattered, ‘pro-lifers’ would be campaigning for universal health care. It’s not as if the money isn’t there. It’s just spent elsewhere: like 100 million dollars for a single Predator drone that rains literal Hellfire on human beings. Where’s the outrage from the right when two dozen civilians are killed and considered “collateral damage” when they bomb the bad guy?

Team choice isn’t free from criticism either. Since the SCOTUS decision went public, enraged protesters took to the streets. While it’s an understandable reaction, it’s not helpful — especially when they go beyond peaceful protest. Journalist Glenn Greenwald tweeted that focus should be on making change, most importantly by creating funds to support people travelling for abortion access.

Because the right will argue that abortion is still legal in most states, that it’s available if they really want it. This seems like an easy solution until you consider those who require abortions in the first place. Is travelling across the country even feasible or affordable for those who seek help? Even if they can afford it, some states are threatening to prosecute residents who cross borders for an abortion. There is no safe option for these women.

Science may say that life begins at conception. But any rational person understands that life is an incredibly broad term. ‘Life’ does not mean conscious, it does not mean sentient, and it certainly doesn’t mean capable of surviving on its own.

To reiterate what I said earlier, babies born prematurely are incubated and connected to machines to keep them alive. This is because they are physically incapable of surviving on their own when removed from their mother’s body. Until a baby is born and can survive outside the womb, whether considered life or not, it is part of the mother.

Having said all that, nothing I say matters.

You might agree with my words, you might be enraged. But what I think doesn’t mean a thing. The same goes for anyone else. Man or woman, for or against, unless you’re the one who is in the position of making such a choice, your thoughts on the matter are null.

What matters is the woman and the sovereignty she has over her body. The only thing that matters in the abortion debate is her. There is nothing else.

Her body, her life, her choice.

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