According to Plan

Even the best plans will fall apart at times. Knowing this, we should account for it. We should incorporate some measure of failure into every plan we make. …

Hurricane of Thought

How often do you stop and think about your thoughts? I don’t mean thinking and analyzing one thought or another but thinking about just how many thoughts you …

Musical Taste

Why do we like the music that we do? Why do I like one style and dislike another, while you may feel the exact opposite? I listen to …

Attachment and Suffering

When the Buddha stated that life is suffering, I doubt he meant suffering in the way we understand it today. This suffering, caused by attachment, would be better …

Showing Up

There are so many productivity hacks these days. Focus apps, website blockers, to-do lists, second brains, task blocks… They’re all designed to either make us more productive or …


I am terrible at returning texts. I’m the guy who will have a conversation with you through text and suddenly ghost your last response. This is not intentional. …

The Curse of Cooking

I’m a cook. It was my first real job, first significant education after high school, and first real career. And while I’ve long since left the professional kitchen, …

Electric Scapegoats

We underwent an incredible cold snap over the last few days, with temperatures dipping into the -40’s. At one point on Saturday night, the provincial government sent out …

My Favourite Books of 2023

Essentialism – Greg McKeown Recommended by a friend, Essentialism drives home the point of focusing only on what matters. We’re faced with countless options on how to spend …

Peace of Mind

The other morning my wife found a small puddle of oil under her car. She had her oil changed the previous afternoon. The assumption was that the technicians …