Subjective Pain

Pain and suffering, like so many other abstracts, are entirely subjective. There is nothing quantifiable. When you’re injured and the doctor asks “What is the pain level on …

Write Shit Down

Hundreds, thousands probably. The number of times I’ve lost a good idea to the wind in my lifetime is unfathomable. I don’t mean earth-shattering, human-life-altering ideas. It could …

How To Be Better

Hop on social media for a day and you’ll encounter a dozen productivity gurus and life coaches with all the right answers on how to improve your life. …


Air conditioning in the heat. The warmth of a fireplace in the winter. Contrast is good. Contrast brings an opposite of sorts to the otherwise bland or mundane …

An Opinion on Opinions

We’re often told to keep our opinions to ourselves. This is especially true when discussing touchy subjects. Even more so when your opinion moves counter to the common …

Why Don’t I Change my Own Oil??

I occasionally get asked why I don’t perform certain simple vehicle maintenance myself. It is, of course, the “manly” thing to do. One reason is that living in …

Shot in the Foot

I seem to have jinxed myself over the last week with a couple of articles I posted. According to Plan was spurred by a series of inconveniences while …

An Argument for Self-Driving Cars

Cruise, Waymo, Pony and Zoox. You’ve probably never heard of these companies. But soon enough, some — perhaps all — will be household names. Self-driving cars, or autonomous …

Writing to Learn

A lot of the writing that I do comes from a place of curiosity. I’ve learned in recent years that writing about a subject tends is the best …