What do you do when you have a habit to work on but have only a limited window of time? The default for most is to skip it. …
Understanding Shakespeare
Something that always bothers me when watching a Shakespeare play is that they never update the dialogue. I understand that speaking in Shakespearean English is tradition and part …
Coffee and Sleep
I’m a huge fan of coffee. And while I have been for many years, I didn’t develop a mild obsession until living in Colombia a few years ago. …
Predicting the Future
Historically speaking, it’s been fairly easy to predict what the future will look like. And the further back we go, the easier it is. Up until only a …
The Good Old Days
The American version of ‘The Office’ is known for a lot of things. Mostly witty comedy, one-liners, and a launch pad for a generation of incredible actors. Deep, …
AI and the News Problem
People lost their minds last year over a photo of the Pope in a white puffy jacket. Anyone who has spent any time playing with AI image generators …
Change of Scenery
I love working at coffee shops. I’m that guy — sitting at a corner table, laptop out, earbuds in, cappuccino at arms reach. But it’s not the coffee …