
It rained last night. That calm, quiet, windless rain. The kind that doesn’t disrupt sleep but awakens the world outside. This morning everything felt more alive outside. The …

Night Lights.

Why do businesses leave their lights on at night? I often walk in the early morning to clear my mind for the day ahead. This is typically hours …


After the long and miserable Canadian winter, it’s easy to be impressed with the simplest sensations. I sat on a bench across from my building the other evening …


Every once in a while I slip. I get sidetracked, distracted, and pulled away from my countless projects and tasks. Often it’s for perfectly good reasons, things come …


For all the sleepless nights. For all the stress and anxiety we’ve put you through over the years. For everything you’ve put up with because you’re an absolute …

Empty Space.

There’s a lot of unused space between buildings. I noticed this while on a walk this morning. And I feel like there should be a way to put …


You can’t bend a short metal pipe, not by hand. It’s too rigid. But the longer it gets, the more you have to work with, the easier it …

Front Lawns.

One of the most ridiculous concepts in human history is the front lawn. There are few things more useless than a patch of open grass in front of …


Early mornings are my favourite time to think. Sometimes that’s at the table or on the balcony. This time of year it’s usually going for a walk down …


Rest is important, though often overlooked. In the modern world where hustling and the grind are deemed badges of honour, rest takes a backseat. But without it, everything …