I’ve written three separate drafts today that I couldn’t bring myself to publish. They were desperate attempts at something decent but ultimately forced distractions from the reality I’m …
Resist Control
I read a story a while back about a test flight, or a new manoeuvre — something related to planes anyway. The context doesn’t matter. Several crashes and deaths resulted from …
Lou Gehrig
ALS. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Diagnosis is a death sentence with a horrific — albeit hurried — degeneration of the body. My aunt died from this abhorrent disease. …
Dropped Ball
I dropped the ball. I committed to daily posting and fucked up. I missed a day. I could make excuses. I could blame it on wifi, on the …
Indian Buffet
The original title of my optionality post was Smorgasbord. It got me thinking about buffet restaurants and how absolutely terrifying they are. A plethora of completely unrelated foods, sitting out in the open …
Negative Nostalgia
Nostalgia is that melancholic wave that rushes over you when thinking of a happy time long passed. An era with a group of friends, a musical style, or a …
Fuck You Money
You can only share so much. At some point, your opinions have recourse. Be it political or societal, your views will not be held by everyone. And sharing them …
The more options you have, the harder it is to choose. It seems counter to what society tells us. With the right willpower, we can have anything. And while anything …