The Icemen Worketh

While my pocket of the world is suffering through a freakish anomaly of bitter deep freeze, I’m one of the lucky ones. As much as I complained about …

It’s Too Damn Cold

“This is why I live in a place where the air hurts my face.” It’s a fairly common meme shared here in Canada: A photo of a giant …


The idea of mastery both intrigues and bores me. Sure, becoming the master of any skill is absolutely impressive. And I tip my hat to those who have …


It’s wild how much one minute can change things, or how easily that time can be lost. Working at a downtown coffee shop this morning I lost my …

The Potency of Anticipation

Anticipation is a powerful drug. Think about it, how much does the thought of a future event cause you to react physically in the present? The rush you …


I don’t need a lot of sleep. I can function on five hours — no problem. But merely functioning only gets a person so far. One of the …

Rethinking Routines

Routines are good for some, they help with organization and workflow. For others, they’re problematic, an inconvenience that gets in the way of creativity and the ability to …

Not Today

Committing to a daily writing habit seems simple enough. That is until I tried it. I often find myself forcing things for the sake of getting words on …

Small Stuff

Don’t sweat the small stuff. It’s a well-shared piece of life advice. Take it easy, shake it off. There are enough big things in life to worry about. …


I often have a hard time focusing on one thing at a time. Multitasking is my default – though not by conscious choice. I know full well that …