25,000 Words

Four months into 2024 and this is the longest I’ve committed to any kind of daily practice. I run most days, practice yoga and go to the gym …

Stupid Titles and Forgetfulness

Since starting the daily blog practice, I’ve tossed out dozens of blank drafts. Some of them might have been good. The biggest problem with posting daily is the fear that I …


Media tends to depict car accidents as a smash. That is, of course, when Hollywood doesn’t make the vehicles explode in stunningly unrealistic fireballs. And while I’ve never …


I often have a hard time focusing on one thing at a time. Multitasking is my default – though not by conscious choice. I know full well that …


Humans are great at adapting. It doesn’t take long to become comfortable in a new school or workplace. When travelling, you can get into the flow of a strange new …

EV Hippies

Electric vehicles are good for the environment, and this is why people drive them. Not exactly. True, they don’t run on gas. But they still require energy and, …

No Clients

I often find myself sitting on the fence between pleasure and anxiety. This morning I sipped my coffee in an unusually pleasant mood. After going through my notes for the day, I realized …


We all have limited bandwidth. There’s only so much we can handle at any given time. And when we start to reach our limit, the quality of our …

Living Longer

The average day from waking to sleep, for most people, is around 15-17 hours. Most of us do this nearly every day. We wake up, have a little …

Airport Standards

As someone who has spent a lot of time in airports, it blows me away that the security process isn’t standardized. Critical aspects of air travel, such as …