
I called the elevator in my building this evening and both arrived simultaneously. I had a choice. The choice was simple: one or the other — 50/50. Neither …


It’s easy to overcomplicate things. I recently solved a minor glitch in one of my websites. For reasons still unknown, a specific element would not position properly on …


It all started with a discussion at work last week. A colleague asked me about my unpopular food opinion. I said that hotdogs are sandwiches. And while this …

Changing Minds

Peter Thiel has a famous interview question that goes along the lines of: What important truth do you believe that few other people agree with? I love this …

Self-Care vs Productivity

Self-care is more important than productivity. This seemingly obvious notion is often lost in Western culture. In a world where the grind is celebrated, where people brag about …

Begin Again

You can break this spell and just begin again. I love this quote from Sam Harris. I don’t recall the context but I believe he is referring to …


I recently wrote of the strange soothing I feel when I hear the noise of the city. But living where I do comes with a flip side. Although …


During my practice of daily posting, I know I’ve had a few duds. Posting every day isn’t always easy. But for every article that falls flat, there are …


There are generally two camps: Those who shower in the morning, and those who shower in the evening. I’m in the third, and I can’t imagine having only …


Every so often we have days where we’re alone with only the thoughts in our head. They’re typically slow days, quiet days, and usually at work when we …