
My mental mood has been a roller coaster these last few weeks. The highs have been exceptionally high but the lows have hit with equal force. This being …


A lot of people hate Elon Musk. Some of it might be justified, but a lot of it is cancel culture. But regardless of where you stand on …


When you get into a consistent routine or practice of any kind, you will notice progress. This is an incredibly rewarding feeling, especially if your practice involves “baby …


Discipline with something necessary — such as going to work or putting gas in your car — is easy enough to do. Discipline becomes a challenge when there …

Carpe Deim

Seize the day. Make the most of your time, don’t squander your existence. Create a life worth living and Live each day to the absolute fullest. This is …


Most people I know who live in the suburbs or outside of the city despise coming downtown. Ultimately, people find downtown to be too busy. There are simply …

Not Perfect

Done is better than perfect. I’ve never really considered myself a perfectionist. Unfortunately for my personal beliefs, many people close to me would disagree. And they’re a lot …


It’s important to learn from people that you don’t align with. This is a generalization. But I heard the idea on the Modern Wisdom podcast. It touches on …


You don’t know everything about any one person. At best, you might know yourself. You might even have a pretty good idea about your closest friends, but not …

Fascinating Life

What you consider normal, others consider fascinating. We all live our own lives. We have routines, hobbies, habits and priorities. There are many constants among our relative societies …