Sense Awareness

I had an interesting experience while meditating this morning. While sitting in silence, observing the chaos of my mind and letting thoughts dissolve, I thought of my passport. …

Subtle Details

I’ve talked several times about the joy I get noticing clever little details in movies. And last night another caught my eye — or, in this case, my …

Ideological Spit Roast

This will hopefully be the last of my political posts for a while. But I figured I would complete the trifecta with a third viewpoint. The ideological spit …

Tribal Politics

To counter my last post about the depolarization of politics, as things currently stand, more people stick to a side than not. It’s a tribal thing. People want …

Unpolarized Politics

Half of the people are not wrong. Every time there’s a major election, it’s always the same. My feeds are inundated with polarizing articles and the scathing comments …

Automating Decisions

Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Barack Obama, and me. We all share something in common: how we dress for work. Automation is the key to freeing up time. And …

Permission to Change

You don’t need permission to change your mind. Many people tend to share the viewpoints of their friends or the people they work with. Often they’re the same …

I Anticipated This

Living downtown has immeasurable perks. However, there are also downsides. Most of these are minor irritants that fade over time. They rarely affect day-to-day existence. But occasionally things …

Last Minute

I usually try to get ahead with these posts and write a few extra when I have the time. This was something I picked up from Seth Godin …


I’m exhausted. But in the best way possible. My wife and I had our first bike trip of the year this weekend — the first time in a …