Book burning is a curious concept in this day and age.It’s always been bad. But there was an element of control in the past. It worked. Books could be banned and the information held within could truly be kept from the masses.
But not today.
A Tennessee school board recently banned Maus, a graphic novel telling a story of the Holocaust. The subjects are animals — Jews are Mice, Nazis Cats, etc.
Maus was banned for violence, nudity and profanity. First of all, they’re cartoon animals. So is nudity really an issue here?
More importantly, kids have access to everything. When they go to school or walk around in public, they’re exposed to profanity. Half of what they see on television is a violence of some form, including the evening news. If they’re on the internet, they’ve seen nudity.
Children have an influx of information at their age that we can’t possibly comprehend. Banning a book in hopes of preserving their innocence is next level naivety.