
There are two types of people: phone callers and texters.

I am a texter.

While I don’t have any real issue having live conversations, I prefer the convenience, practicality and clarity that come with asynchronous communication.

The convenience comes from responding when I have a chance. Unless it’s urgent, we can have the same conversation over text or email as we can over the phone. The difference is that we can each contribute at our own pace, when we have the time. Nobody is restricted.

From a practical standpoint, written form is better for keeping track of things. If I’m jotting down important notes as we talk on the phone, I’m not fully engaged in the conversation. If we talk over email, I have a written record of everything — this is especially important in my freelance business.

Clarity, however, is the greatest perk. Synchronous communication is great when you’re having a casual chat with a friend. When the flow and quality of the words are less important than the conversation itself. But in nearly every other situation, clarity is paramount.

As a writer, I like to think carefully about what I want to say. It could also be my wiring, often my brain is thinking too quickly about too many things. Taking a moment to pause and write what I want to say allows me to focus and express my thoughts clearly.

I understand that many people prefer to converse directly. But in today’s busy world, I find myself leaning towards asynchronicity more and more every day.

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