
What is it about music that makes people so happy?

This is a multi-layered question, but it’s been on my mind for the last couple of days.

A lot of people listen to music at my day job. There are dozens of mini-speakers spread out in different areas. Some for individuals, others for groups. Generally, people are much happier when they have music.

It’s something so obvious, but I didn’t take notice until a group — that regularly listens to music together — was separated for a day while things on the floor shifted around. Those separated from the main group were visibly less happy. And while change played a part, a friend of mine mentioned that the lack of music was one of the biggest issues.

The following day, when the move was complete and the music returned, everyone was dancing and smiling again.

I feel it, I think we all do. But what is it? Why does music make us feel good?

This is another one of those questions that I want to dive deeper into next year. Is it something evolutionary? Like the feeling we get around a campfire, did our ancestors sing primitive songs together in their early tribes? Does that pleasure come from a feeling of comfort and safety that is hard-wired within us?

The more I try and peel this question apart, the more layers I find.

Back to my post about curiosity yesterday, I seem to have found a thread that I am compelled to pull…

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