Filling Gaps

Due to the unique shift schedule at my day job, I have a lot of free time. I work longer hours each day, but as a result have a lot of days off.

Yet even though I have far more time away from the office than the average, I never seem to have enough time.

True, I have a lot of projects on the go, but between those and my unquenchable curiosity, I think I’m just the kind of person who will fill the space I’m given.

Give me a free hour and I’ll have no trouble filling it. A free day? No problem. In that sense, I’m good at scaling. I’m not, however, good at using my free time for rest.

My anti-boredom mentality is incredibly useful at being productive and getting things done. But it is an absolute hindrance when it comes to taking a break.

I’m working on this.

To take my own advice from an earlier post, resting is still doing something.

Unfortunately, my self-regulation for rest doesn’t seem to function like a normal person. So for now, when it comes to feet-up resting on my days off, I need to start pencilling it into my schedule.

Because if there’s a gap in my daily calendar, rest assured I’ll find a way to fill it.

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