
I’ve recently started writing down a list of rules.

There are things I try to do in certain situations that make life a little easier, but I’ve never set them in stone as strict rules. I feel that by treating them more as personal rules rather than guidelines, they may become more foundational.

For example: Always arrive at the airport no less than two hours before a flight.

It’s simple, but important to me for several reasons which I may detail in a future post.

Other rules include Always pause to write down an interesting thought or idea. and Do something new each month.

These two benefit me in creative aspects. I’ve lost so many good ideas because I told myself I would remember them later. I’ve always been a fan of new experiences but often procrastinate — if I make it a rule, I need to stick to it and make a plan.

The rule that’s given me the most benefit is around discipline and focus. I don’t look at any social media or email until after I’ve done two hours of deep work and written something — usually a blog post. Consuming any type of media before creative work is disastrous for me. Avoiding external inputs until after a period of work has been wildly beneficial.

So far, the list is quite short. I’ve only been dabbling with it for a couple of weeks. But I’m enjoying the concept and already seeing results.

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