
I recently watched a clip where neuroscientist Nicole Vignola mentioned something that resonated with me. I can’t find the clip itself and don’t recall the exact wording but essentially, the dopamine system in our brains loves uncertainty.

This made such absolute sense to me and was a mind-blowing revelation.

I thrive in chaos. Good or bad, when things are chaotic I am sharper, more alert, excited and dialled in everything I do.

The opposite is true when things are steady and routine. My ambition falls, I lose momentum, and I am easily distracted.

It’s why I loved the restaurant kitchen, and why I love to travel. It’s why my day job makes me feel numb and my side projects invigorate me.

The part I can’t figure out is, why does this not affect everyone?

If our brain’s pleasure centre is activated in a state of chaos and uncertainty, why don’t more people seek it?

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