Role Model

Find yourself a bad role model.

Seriously. Look for someone truly wretched. A liar, maybe someone unfaithful in their relationship. Maybe a touch of homophobia or racism. Find yourself someone whose traits are generally counter to what is considered a good person.

You likely already have role models. People you look up to, who have personal aspects that you try and emulate for the sake of bettering your life.

But you can do one step better with a bad role model.

I wish I could recall where I heard this concept — it was likely a podcast. But I love the idea.

It’s simple. Find someone truly abhorrent and do everything in your power to become the opposite. Knowing that certain behaviours or beliefs are bad is one thing, but seeing them in action can hone your perception.

Maybe there’s a joke you like to tell, or a casual phrase, that seems innocent enough. But when you hear it from your bad role model, tinted with their xenophobic beliefs, you suddenly realize that your joke isn’t so innocent.

Striving to become the good you see in others is a worthy goal. However, the ability to recognize the subtle traits that align you with negative people is often overlooked.

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