Moments of Blissful Awareness

One of the most interesting experiences we have as humans is the odd, seemingly random moments of blissful awareness.

They’re those moments where everything becomes crystal clear, in perfect focus — where whatever you’re doing in that moment resonates with you in every detail.

It might last a second, maybe two or three. But like becoming lucid within a dream, by the time we realize it’s happening, it fades away.

I don’t understand the brain chemistry that causes this odd state. Sure, it’s often part of the state induced from ingesting psychedelic compounds, through meditation or breathwork. But that doesn’t explain why it happens without.

Either way, these moments are powerful. But if you’re anything like me, as soon as it happens, you’re too distracted by the feeling itself to pause and take note of the experience itself.

And once it passes, all that is left is knowing that it happened, not what you noticed while it happened.

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