

I started listening to a new book today called An Immense World.

It’s about the senses. Specifically, the range of senses that other creatures experience. From birds and reptiles to insects and mammals, it’s stunning how differently we all experience the world.

It’s almost psychedelic.

The idea is that there are so many layers of light, sound, taste and smell that permeate our everyday surroundings — yet we can sense only the tiniest fraction.

It begs the question: What else don’t we detect?

There’s a seemingly infinite other that exists outside of our physical abilities. And we know that some of it exists because we have developed tools for detection. But what will we discover as we continue to evolve, as our technology advances?

When our physical reality is one of countless dimensions that we know exist but are oblivious to. The idea that our reality itself isn’t one of countless others isn’t such a stretch.

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